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Project Overview

PennDOT has completed a project to reconstruct Route 11 (East Street) and Route 487 (East/Poplar Street and Ferry Road) curb-to-curb from Main Street to the Susquehanna River Bridge. Route 11 (Columbia Boulevard) from 6th Street to Park Street has been milled and resurfaced. The existing traffic signals at the 5th, 6th and 7th Street intersections with East Street have been replaced. The existing curb lines and curb ramps were rebuilt, and the existing drainage system were replaced where impacted. Also included is a Town of Bloomsburg street scape project to construct sidewalks and street scape lighting, which was incorporated into the PennDOT project.

The roadway was reconstructed with closures and a posted detour. The roadway was reconstructed in sections such that the entire roadway length was not closed for the full project duration.

The project was constructed over a period of two construction seasons. Construction started in the spring 2021 and was completed in the fall 2022.

2021 Virtual Public Meeting

A virtual public meeting for the Bloomsburg Reconstruction Project was held on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.  Please use the following link to access a recording of the meeting.

A list of questions and answers from the meeting can be found in the Resources Section to the right.

Project Contact

Construction Project Manager

Kevin Smith |

Phone: 570.368.4231

Design Project Manager

Justin Gochenauer |

Phone: 717.221.2010

Community Relations Coordinator 

Maggie Baker |

Phone 570.368.4202

Project Statistics

Contract Cost: $6,804,008.56

Percentage Complete:  100%

Primary Contractor:  HRI, Inc.

Detour Information

See Resources.