June 2024
In District 10, 80 projects are underway or expected to start or go out for bid this year, with a total value of $441.1 million. You can find weekly updates of planned department maintenance activities on the District 10 page.
Bridges Repaired, Replaced, or Preserved*
Miles of Roadway Improved *
Projects +
Million in Projects +
+ Underway or expected to start or go out for bid this year in District 10 | * From January 2024 Through June 2024
9 bridges were repaired, replaced, or preserved by PennDOT or industry forces through June 2024. 244.03 miles of roadway were improved by department or partner crews through June 2024. This includes 116.12 miles of paving. See projects happening or planned near you at PennDOT's Project Website.
From January through June 2024, 11 construction contracts for highway, bridge, and other improvement projects was completed in the district through PennDOT's private-sector partners.
Route 228 Corridor Improvement Projects
Cost: $82.44 million
County: Butler
Oakland Avenue Reconstruction Project
Cost: $19 million
County: Indiana
Freedom Road Project
Cost: $9.8 million
County: Butler
The Route 228 Corridor Improvement Projects are aimed at updating the safety and efficiency of the route from its intersection with Route 8 to Route 19. The project includes multiple projects such as the Balls Bend Safety Improvement project and the Three Degree Road project.
The Balls Bend Safety Improvement Project on Route 228 in Middlesex Township, Butler County is a major realignment project involving the addition of a travel lane in each direction and a center turn lane. The project also includes the construction of four new structures, realigned local road connections, new signalized intersection, jughandles, stream realignments and other miscellaneous construction. The $55.89 million project is expected to last through January 2025.
The Three Degree Road Project is an improvement project connecting into the five-lane Mars Railroad Project. It addresses numerous driveway access points from the Mars Railroad Project east through the Mars School District area; improves the Three Degree Road intersection; and connects to the Route 228/Balls Bend Project at the eastern limit of the project. The $26.55 million project is anticipated to be complete by late 2026.
Cost: $82.44 million
County: Butler
More About the Route 228 Corridor Improvement ProjectsThe purpose of the Oakland Avenue Project on Route 286/US 422 Interchange East is to ease congestion and improve pedestrian and cyclist safety through the Route 286 corridor. The project will include widening Route 286, intersection improvements, signal upgrades, and guide rail, signing, pavement marking and safety feature updates. Drainage and stormwater facilities will be added as required. This is multi-year highway reconstruction and bridge replacement project and is anticipated to be completed in December of 2023. In the fall motorists saw work between Eat 'n Park and the Hampton Inn as crews worked to widen the road and replace cross pipes.
Cost: $19 million
County: Indiana
More About the Oakland Avenue Reconstruction ProjectThe Freedom Road Project is a multi-year project to improve Freedom Road in Butler and Beaver Counties. The Haine School Road to Commonwealth Drive (Butler County) portion of the project was completed in Spring 2023. It included realigning the roadway and adding new turning lanes as well as the addition of safety improvements.
The third project on the corridor, Haine School Road to Beaver County, will also include many safety improvements such as turning lanes, multimodal additions, sidewalks and signal upgrades. It will run December 2022 to Spring 2025. Both of these projects are a direct continuation of the Freedom Road Turnpike Bridge project which replaced the existing structure over I-76.
Cost: $9.8 million
County: Butler
More About the Freedom Road ProjectPennDOT's Engineering District 10 is responsible for the state-maintained transportation network in this region. This includes 3,180 road miles and 1,630 bridges.
We also work with local governments, elected officials, stakeholders and the public on keeping people and goods moving safely and efficiently in this region.
State-Maintained Road Miles
State-Maintained Bridges
* Filled salaried positions. Does not include wage jobs, which fluctuate seasonally.
PennDOT's 11 Engineering Districts throughout the state maintain, restore, and expand the state's highway systems. Each office does its part to deliver a safe and efficient transportation system on the nearly 40,000 miles of highway and rougly 25,400 bridges that PennDOT is reponsible for. More information about PennDOT's operations and the state highway system is available in PennDOT's Fact Book (PDF).
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