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Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Stations

compressed natural gas station

In early 2016, PennDOT announced its partnership with Trillium CNG to design, build, finance, operate, and maintain compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling stations. The CNG fueling stations will supply gas to more than 1,600 public-transit buses at the 24 sites.

Compressed natural gas is cheaper per gallon than conventional gas and diesel fuel, and it burns cleaner. The combination of cost savings and extended engine life helps make transit agencies more sustainable, and reduces their reliance on the state to fund operations.

The P3 agreement results in cost savings of more than $46 million by allowing PennDOT to install the fueling stations faster than if a traditional procurement mechanism was used for each individual site.


November 2023 

Amendment A 

Amendment B

Amendment C 

Amendment D

Amendment E

Amendment F

Amendment G

CNG Transit Fueling Station

Instructions to Proposers

Public Private Partnership Agreement

Technical Provisions