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Traffic Signals, Management

PennDOT plays an active role in keeping people and goods moving through the state. Whether it's ensuring traffic management procedures and best practices are followed or providing assistance to local governments for traffic signals, the department has many resources available.

For example, information on funding programs, engineering, design, and more is available through PennDOT's Traffic Signal Portal.

Traffic Signal Portal

Flashing Yellow Arrow

PennDOT is implementing a new type of traffic signal to provide a safer, more efficient left turn for motorists. The flashing yellow arrow indication is a new type of display that will replace the circular green indication for left turns at signalized intersections.

The signal is more intuitive to motorists and, according to national data, can reduce left-turn crashes by as much as 20 percent!

Learn more on the Flashing Yellow Arrow Fact Sheet (PDF) and view how to drive through a flashing yellow signal with our video. Visit the Traffic Signal Portal's Flashing Yellow Arrow page to see technical guidance and other signal information.

Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE)

Under state law, fines from red light violations at 30 intersections in Philadelphia supply the grant funding for Pennsylvania's Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) program, which aims to improve safety at signalized intersections by providing automated enforcement at locations where data shows red-light running has been an issue. The law specifies that projects improving safety, enhancing mobility, and reducing congestion can be considered for funding.

ARLE Portal

Following is a county-by-county list of ARLE funding recipients, the amount of state funding, and a brief description of the projects:

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Green Light-Go

Green Light-Go reimbursement grant awards can be used on existing traffic signals to installing light-emitting diode (LED) technology, performing regional operations such as retiming, developing special event plans, and monitoring traffic signals, as well as upgrading traffic signals to the latest technologies.

Act 101 of 2016 recently provided updates to the program by reducing the applicant match to 20 percent, expanding eligible applicants to planning partners and counties, and allowing all projects to be led by applicants. Green Light-Go was made possible by Act 89, the far-reaching transportation plan adopted in November 2013.

Green Light-Go Portal

Following is a county-by-county list of Green Light-Go Round 3 funding recipients, the amount of state funding, and a brief description of the projects. Note the state funding represents only part of the total project funding:

 Accordion ‭[1]‬

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