Project Overview
This project is part of the $26.99 million McKnight Road improvement project. Work will include bridge and culvert preservation, milling and paving, base repairs, drainage upgrades and repairs, pipe cleaning, guide rail, signal, and ADA ramp upgrades, waterline replacement, concrete mountable curb replacement and new signage and pavement markings between Venture Street and Perrymont Road, including the Babcock Boulevard/Evergreen Road ramps. Before work concludes in the spring of 2025, restrictions will also include a 12-day closure of the Nelson Run Road interchange, two weekend closures at the Venture Street intersection, and several overnight ramp closures for paving operations and structure repairs. The prime contractor is Lindy Paving, Inc.
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Project Location
The limit of work is along McKnight Road between the intersections of Venture Street and Perrymont Road.