Work Zone Safety
Each year when the weather improves, Pennsylvanians and travelers through the state can anticipate seeing many work zones. While PennDOT and its industry partners are busy improving the 40,000 miles of roadway and 25,000 bridges in its care, we urge motorists to keep safety in mind.
Safety Tips
If you encounter our work zones, please keep the following tips in mind for your safety and the safety of highway workers.
- Drive the posted work zone speed limit.
- Stay alert and pay close attention to signs and flaggers.
- Turn on your headlights if signs instruct you to do so.
- Maintain a safe distance around vehicles. Don't tailgate.
- Use four-way flashers when stopped or traveling slowly.
- Avoid distractions and give your full attention to the road.
- Always buckle up.
- Expect the unexpected.
- Be patient.
Pennsylvania's work zone safety laws are designed to protect both highway workers and motorists.
Posted Work Zones:
Headlights on. All motorists are required to travel with their headlights turned on in all posted work zones, not just active work zones. It is necessary for drivers in vehicles with daytime running lights to turn on their headlights in order to activate their taillights.
Speed-monitoring devices. Interstate work zones with a project cost exceeding $300,000 will have a speed-monitoring device to alert motorists of their speed prior to entering the work zone.
Active Work Zones
Please note: PennDOT manages two distinct programs relating to active work zones:
Criminal Violations under
75 Pa. C.S. § 3326 (Duty of driver in construction and maintenance areas or on highway safety corridors) identify fines and penalties when an officer pulls you over for a violation.
Civil Violations under
75 Pa. C.S. § 3369 (Automated speed enforcement systems in active work zones) began in 2018. Section 3369 allows for a fine to be administered using calibrated and tested automated speed enforcement technology. Civil violations are only fines and don't reflect any points or insurance ratings.
Criminal Violations
Posting of active work zones. Active work zones must be designated as such to notify motorists when they enter and leave the work zone. A white flashing light attached to the "Active Work Zone When Flashing" sign will indicate an active work zone. The flashing light will only be activated when workers are present and turned off when workers are not present.
Fifteen-day loss of license for driving dangerously. Motorists caught driving 11 miles per hour or more above the posted speed limit in an active work zone, or who are involved in a crash in an active work zone and are convicted for failing to drive at a safe speed, automatically will lose their license for 15 days.
Fines doubled/jail time increased. Fines for certain traffic violations — including speeding, driving under the influence, and failure to obey traffic devices — are doubled for active work zones. Also, the law provides for up to five years of additional jail time for individuals convicted of homicide by vehicle for a crash that occurred in an active work zone.
Civil Violations
Please visit the Work Zone Speed Safety Cameras (WZSSC) program page for more information.