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Bicycle Safety Videos


'One Parent to Another' Pedestrian Safety

​In PennDOT's four-video series for pedestrian safety, "One Parent to Another" shows how safety starts with parents and guardians, and that children model their behavior. It shows how and when to cross legally while walking

Before You Ride

Target audience: Elementary school students and their parents

Description: Basics such as bike selection, helmet fitting, bicycle safety checks and how to securely park a bike.

Drive Safe, Walk Safe


'Walk This Way': Pedestrian Safety for Young Children

In PennDOT's four-video series for pedestrian safety, "Walk This Way" shows elementary-school aged children what a walker is and how to safely walk. It also stresses the importance of walking with a parent/guardian/older sibling, and shows dangerous crossing situations and how to address them.

Basic Riding Skill

Target audience: Elementary school students and their parents

Description: Essential skills such as braking, balancing, turning, hand signals and selecting safe travel routes to school.

'Kids Explain': Pedestrian Safety for Middle School-Aged Kids

In PennDOT's four-video series for pedestrian safety, "Kids Explain" aims to increase pedestrian safety for middle school children walking to and from school by teaching them the basics of safe walking.

Riding on the Road

Target audience: Middle school students and others learning to ride their bicycle on the road

Description: Rules of the road and how to ride with traffiic, yield, stop, turn, avoid hazards, pass parked cars, proper lane position.

'Close Call': Pedestrian Safety for Young Drivers

In PennDOT's four-video series for pedestrian safety, "Close Call" teaches young drivers how and why to safely operate a motor vehicle in relation to pedestrians.

Sharing the Road

Target audience: Younger motorists, bicyclists and others who are unfamiliar with existing bicycle laws

Description: Roadway positioning of cyclists, traffic and hand signals, safe turning and cyclist rights on the road.

Bicycle Laws

Target audience: Motorists, cyclists and law enforcement officials

Description: Common offenses by both motorists and bicyclists. Also, common misconceptions about bicycle laws.

Passing a Bicycle

Target audience: Motorists, cyclists and law enforcement officials

Description: Pennsylvania law requires drivers to give bicyclists 4 feet of space when passing them at a reduced speed. Slow Down, Pass Safely. Be Safe PA.


Target audience: Motorists, cyclists and law enforcement officials

Description: Car doors can be dangerous, especially to a passing bicyclist. PA law requires you to make sure it’s safe to open your door. Be Safe PA.