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PennDOT provides mid-year update on statewide projects

July 22, 2019 12:00 AM
By: None

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"What is PennDOT doing for me and the roads I travel every day?"

That's the question we hear the most from Pennsylvanians — and it's something we don't take lightly. PennDOT understands that our state's transportation network is critical to our quality of life and our economy.

Through June 30 this year, PennDOT crews have improved more than 800 miles of roadway and rehabilitated or replaced 27 bridges statewide. In the same timeframe, 372 construction contracts for highway, bridge, and other improvement projects were issued statewide to PennDOT's private-sector partners.

Progress also continues on the department's public-private partnership for bridges, the Rapid Bridge Replacement Project. All of the initiative's 558 bridges have started construction, are under construction, or have finished, with 548 replaced so far over roughly six years. Located largely in rural areas, the bridges would have taken eight to 12 years to address through the department's overall program.

PennDOT anticipates putting out for bid $2.2 billion total in projects in 2019. For more information on projects occurring or being bid this year visit

The public is also encouraged to view, a page dedicated to reporting PennDOT's progress in delivering for the state. Customers can also view the department's 2018 Annual Report, which for the first time is viewable as a document and also a responsive website.

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