Route 119 Youngwood Reconstruction Project Safety Highlights
February 21, 2023 11:00 AM
The Route 119 Youngwood Reconstruction Project with over a $40 million investment is designed with numerous safety features. This project includes the complete reconstruction of 1.5 miles of aging pavement and sidewalks on northbound and southbound Route 119 in Hempfield Township, New Stanton, and Youngwood Boroughs. This route carries 25,000 vehicles a day through the town.
This project adds various traffic calming features to promote safety:
- Posted northbound speed limit reduced to 25 mph to match the southbound roadway;
- Installation of oversized speed limit signs;
- Travel lanes were narrowed from 12 feet to 11 feet in width;
- Chicanes and curve warning signage was introduced;
- Concrete bulb outs added to delineate pedestrian crossings and parking areas;
- Electronic speed minder that displays motorist speeds with flashing lights was installed;
- Flashing red signal ahead and flashing 25 MPH warning devices; and
- Innovative pavement markings including optical speed bars, "25 MPH" and "SLOW" markings can be seen on the road.
This project also includes pedestrian safety improvements:
- Replacement of over 5 miles of deteriorated sidewalks;
- Additional sidewalks to both the northern and southern limits of town;
- Extended sidewalks and pedestrian access to the 5 Star Trail on both Depot and Hillis Streets;
- Incorporation of all new ADA compliant curb ramps.
- New signs and piano key type pavement markings for pedestrian crossings; and
- Added bulb outs provide pedestrians a better location to cross and shorten the length to walk across.
In addition to the traffic calming and pedestrian safety enhancements, this project also improves to utilities, drainage, and turning lanes:
- Over 350 new drainage inlets, new water, sewer, and gas lines;
- At least 90 utility and drainage manholes being relocated out of the travel way;
- Eight new traffic signals;
- Three turn lanes added;
- One turn lane extended; and
- Improved access to the shopping plaza.
The project is scheduled to be complete by Fall of 2023.