99-051 |
Evaluation of Polyethylene Snap Tite Pipe Liner
| Archived | Construction | | |
2008-035 |
Evaluation of RePlay Soy-Based Sealer
| Archived | Construction | | |
3517R02 |
Multi-Vehicle Motorcycle Crashes: Mitigating Crash Risk for the Motorcyclists
| Completed | Planning & Policy | | |
020106 |
Buckling Strength of Circular Tubes in Signs
| Archived | Design | | |
22021-2B |
Smart Pavement Case Study Pavement Sensors - Phase 2B
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
030207 |
I-99 Environmental Research Study Executive Summaries
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
040107 |
Safety Assessment of Steel Bridge Damaged by Truck Strikes
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
040114-1 |
Safer Driver Actions at Stop Signs
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
050114 |
Safety Evaluation of YTPCD at Non Signalized Mid Block Crossings
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
050119 |
Erie Bayfront Project Intermodal Integrator
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
050210 |
Stratification of Locally Owned Roads for Traffic Data Collection
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
060110 |
Forecasting Short Term Transit Ridership Activities (T-BEST)
| Archived | Multimodal | | |
060201 |
Determination of the Future Direction of the Roadway Weather Information System at PennDOT (RWIS)
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
060508 |
Using Spatial Tools to Analyze Crash and Roadway Data
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
060801 |
The Impact of the Sanctioning Process on Driver Safety
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
060908 |
ITS Evaluations and Activities
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
070202 |
Methods to Determine Non-Visible Corrosion of Prestressing Strands in Concrete Bridge Components Task 1 - Literature Review
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
070202 |
Methods to Determine Non-Visible Corrosion of Prestressing Strands in Concrete Bridge Components Task 2 - Assessment of Candidate NDT Methods
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
070202 |
Methods to Determine Non-Visible Corrosion of Prestressing Strands in Concrete Bridge Components Task 3 - Forensic Evaluation and Rating Methods
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
070609 |
Vehicle Safety Inspection Program Effectiveness
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
070802 |
Risk Management Strategy for Bridges and Structures
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
071001 |
Development of a Strategic Plan to Upgrade Stations on the Keystone Corridor
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
071109 |
Airport Pavement Management System
| Archived | Multimodal | | |
071302 |
Effective Utility Accommodation
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
071408 |
Evaluation of the Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT) Program in Pennsylvania
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
080209 |
Action Plan for Implementing Local Airport Hazard Zoning Ordinances
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
080307 |
Research of Current Practices in Pavement Performance Modeling
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
080503 |
Cost Benefit Analysis of Including Microsurfacing in Pavement Treatment Strategies and Cycle
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
080601 |
Improving Mature Driver Safety Efforts
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
080910 |
Analysis of Public Benefits for PA Rail Freight Funding
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
090107 |
Developing Standards and Specifications for Full Depth Pavement Reclamation
| Archived | Design | | |
100209 |
Safe Routes to School Program (2014)
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
100303 |
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
100402 |
Coatings and Treatments for Beam Ends
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
110204 |
Cost Benefit Analysis of Anti-Strip Additives in Hot Mix Asphalt with Various Aggregates
| Archived | Construction | | |
110301 |
Feasibility of Using Email for Renewal Notices
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
110407 |
Flexible Microsurfacing
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
110506 |
Computer-Based Training for Drivers License Examiners to Conduct Non-Commercial Skills Testing
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
110601 |
Optimizing the Life Cycle of PennDOT Equipment Final Report
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
111001 |
Analysis of Staggered Apportioned Registration Renewals
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
120103 |
Bridge Deck Cracking: Effects on In-Service Performance, Prevention, and Remediation
| Archived | Construction | | |
120205 |
Archaeological Predictive Model Set
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
359704 |
Benefits of Signal Timing Optimization and ITS Corridor Operations
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
0360307 |
Development of Pot Bearing Standards
| Archived | Design | | |
0404110 |
Evaluation of an Alternative Offset Mechanical Splice System
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
431036-002 |
Assessing the Presence and Potential Habitat for Reintroduction of Priority Freshwater Mussel Species in the Shenango River
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
3517118 |
Paxton Creek Watershed Reduction
| Active | Design | | |
Modal Integration and Mobility Plan for the Robinson / North Fayette Retail Area
| Archived | Multimodal | | |
Bridge Rail Analysis and Crash Testing
| Archived | Design | | |
CMU 001 |
Joint Statewide Connected and Autonomous Vehicles 2040 Vision Final Report
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
CMU 002 |
Road Condition Reporting (Android cambera-based road condition monitoring system)
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
CMU 003 |
Real Time Incident Detection Using Social Media Data
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
CMU 004 |
Dynamic Network Analysis & Real-time Traffic Management for Philadelphia Metropolitan Area
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
CMU 006 |
Highway Corridor Transformation Research Study - Proof of Concept
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
Drexel WO 001 |
Internal Curing with Fine Light Weight Aggregates
| Active | Design | | |
Bicycle Bus Area Conflict Study
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
E00228 |
Flashing White Light Evaluation
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
E01041 WO 9 |
Retroreflectivity of Existing Signs in Pennsylvania
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
E02978 WO 2 |
Winter Severity Index Development
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
E02978 WO 2 |
Winter Severity Index Development
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
E03149 WO 22 |
Pennsylvania Joint Statewide Connected and Automated Vehicle Strategic Plan
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
E03718 WO 1 |
Quarter Inch Specification
| Completed | Maintenance | | |
E04005 WO 003 |
Bridge Resiliency in Rain Events
| Completed | Design | | |
E04152 WO 004 |
Mu-3 Stream Surveys - Mussels
| Completed | Design | | |
E04202 WO 04 |
Stream Restoration Municipal Partnership and Standards
| Completed | Maintenance | | |
E04660 WO 004 |
Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Hotspots
| Completed | Planning & Policy | | |
ECMS E03718 |
Double Chip Seal on Paving Fabric
| Completed | Maintenance | | |
ECMS E03718 WO #003 |
Fibers in Microsurfacing
| Completed | Maintenance | | |
EO0511 WO 3 |
Tubular Flange Girders
| Archived | Construction | | |
EO3718 |
Approved Products for Low Volume Local Roads
| Active | Planning & Policy | | |
EO3723 WO 001 |
The Effect of Post-Consumer Recycled Asphalt Shingles (PCRAS) on Pavement Performance
| Completed | Design | | |
EO3982 |
| Completed | Operations & Safety | | |
EO4005 WO 007 |
Resilience Evaluation of Prestressed Concrete Girder Bridge Against Fire Events
| Completed | Design | | |
EO4695 WO 01 |
Best Practices / Potential Solutions for Commercial Vehicle(CMV) Navigation
| Completed | Operations & Safety | | |
EO4696 WO1 |
SMART Intersections
| Completed | Operations & Safety | | |
EO4767 WO 05 |
D-1 Flex Beam Field Instrumentation Load Testing of Innovative Bridge Design
| Completed | Design | | |
Lafayette WO 001 |
Precast Bridge Deck Panel Testing
| Active | Design | | |
NA |
2018 Reseach Symposium Proceedings
| Archived | Planning & Policy | | |
NA |
21 Street Plasphalt Final Report
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
NA |
Concrete Pavement Cracking Rehabilitation
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
NA |
Densi-Crete on a Superstructure
| Archived | Construction | | |
NA |
Evaluation of Crumb Rubber Modifier with Vestenamer in HMA for Anti-Rutting
| Archived | Design | | |
NA |
Evaluation of Modular Expansion Dam
| Archived | Design | | |
NA |
Evaluation of Prismo Imprint
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
NA |
Fixed Automated Spray Technology
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
NA |
Hay Terrace Plasphalt Report
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
NA |
Jefferson Street Plasphalt Final Report
| Archived | Operations & Safety | | |
NA |
Maglev Robotic Welding of an i-Beam using a GMAW Gantry System
| Archived | Construction | | |
NA |
Overlay Field Application US 119
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
NA |
Post-Consumer Roofing Shingles in HMA
| Archived | Design | | |
NA |
Tarrtown Bridge Project Case Study
| Archived | Design | | |
NA |
Tuf-Strand Fiber Concrete Additive
| Archived | Construction | | |
PIT 001 |
50 KSI Steel H-Pile Capacity
| Archived | Design | | |
PIT 01 |
Structural Evaluation of Slab Rehabilitation by the Method of Hydrodemolition and Latex Modified Overlay
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
PIT 2 |
Evaluation of Bridge Cleaning Methods on Steel Structures - Final Report
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
PIT 3 |
Developing a Methodology to Incorporate Transit, Pedestrian and Bicycle Design Features in Highway and Bridge Projects-Final Report
| Archived | Design | | |
PIT 4 |
Remote Sensing for Bridge Scour Projects PHASE II
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
PIT 004 |
Remote Sensing for Bridge Scour Projects PHASE III
| Archived | Maintenance | | |
PIT 005 |
A Rational Procedure For Rock Slope Design For Western Pennsylvania
| Archived | Design | | |
PIT 05 |
Bridge Waterproofing Details Phase - 2
| Archived | Maintenance | | |